Madhuban is situated at a height of 5000 feet above a picturesque village in the Kumaon range of the Himalayas. Madhuban is the place where the beekeeping association of India took birth more than 60 years ago.

The property was offered to the Ashram by a devotee in 2003 and is continuously being developed. The entire valley of Talla Ramgarh is a fruitful bowl with Pears, Plums, Peaches, Apricot orchards.

Madhuban, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, is an extension of Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Delhi Branch.

Van Niwas


Van Niwas is a serene mountainous abode nestled in the Uttarakhand hills of the Himalayas.

 Volunteer  Autumn Gyan Yoga Shivir  Youth Camp


Write to : for information

The lofty peaks of the Himalayas have had an irresistible attraction for the people of India from the dawn of civilization and probably earlier as well. Renowned as the abode of Shiva, the hoary shrines on the peaks of this highest mountain range on earth attract devout pilgrims from all corners of India. These mountains figure in history and legend as abode of sages and philosophers. From these sacred peaks, again, flow Sindhu and Ganga, on the banks of which was nursed the Indian civilization, through the ups and downs of history.

Van Niwas, Nainital, is an Ashram retreat in the Himalayas, picturesquely situated at a height of about 8000 feet (2200 meters). The very surroundings induce calm and peace and it is an ideal place for silent contemplation.

Van Niwas

Youth Camps

These camps have been organized since 1977 and every year youth from various parts of the country participate in it with joy and gather knowledge and spiritual awareness.

 Volunteer  Yog Arohan Shivir


Camp organizer, Delhi Ashram: Ms. Jyoti Patankar, Phone: 8595 249 481, Email:, Mon-Fri : 8.30 am to 5.30 pm

Adventure Youth Camps: From the month of March to June and during October, a series of adventure camps are held at this centre. Camp activities include the following:

Seven Day Basic Rock Climbing: Covers basic training in rock scrambling, bouldering, tying of knots & hitches, rock climbing with safety provided by belay, rappelling and river crossing.

Certificates are awarded on successful completion of the camp.

Treks: Treks start at a mere 4 km and by the end of the camp almost all campers are able to complete an enchanting 16 km trek. This feat is achieved gradually by building stamina.

Yoga or keep-fit: Games without equipment. Shramdan.

Meditation: Talks on healthy living, self-development, national problems and role of youth.

These camps have been organized since 1977 and every year youth from various parts of the Country participate in it with joy and gather knowledge and spiritual awareness.